Wednesday, April 3, 2013

You know that totally awesome day, which really isn't awesome?

Yeah so it has been an awesome day and it's only 8 in the morning! (hey! that's part of a quote from Tangled! I know this cause I just watched it with my little girl)

Woke up with my hair sticking straight up, like literally! (Don't ever go to bed with wet hair especially if you have naturally curly hair and it's short)
So I straightened it...yeah that totally helped (not!) Made it look like I had a straightened Christmas tree on my head.
Then suddenly it decided to go static like I rubbed a balloon all over it, so I decided to put my hat on to see if it would smash it down...yeah it totally smashed it down, now I had hat hair, bad hat hair.  So what do I decide to do? After dropping off my kid at grandma's house I decide to drive with both windows down to see if I can get a little more "fluff" again smart idea, right?
Oh let's not forget that it's construction season, so while I'm headed to work I get to go through this awesome maze of orange traffic cones following an idiot who is more interested in the construction workers and that huge crane they have. So I get to sit behind him while at a green arrow light (and it's one of those lights that only stays on for like 3 seconds so you HAVE to hurry if your the second car. Hate those lights.) So I'm honking at this guy who's fixated on the big crane, and...(the dots are an angry sigh, just letting you know, even though you really didn't need to, and I just made you read a useless sentence) we both miss the light.
So I come to work and the back of my hair is still staticy and the front of my hair is still hat hair.
Well while at work I have to go up to the third floor (I work on the second floor so I already winded myself by climbing up those 28 stairs) to go unlock the computer room.  So I go up another 28 stairs....28!...and I was a little distracted you know, trying to catch my breath and thinking about my awesome hair and all.  I decide to go to the bathroom and wet it down, maybe that will help.  Well the bad hair day still continued. It is persistent to stay like this FOREVER! Anyway, I go back down stairs when I realize that I didn't unlock the computer room! So I go back up the 28 stairs, catch my breath, and unlock the room.  To my surprise I apparently already unlocked the room and that small memory came rushing back to me.  You know like that rush when it's the end of your life and your whole life story comes rushing back to you (Wow that scares me a little, when I die i'm going to have a memory about me unlocking a door. Hmmm...that is going to be one interesting dying memory moment when it comes. I wonder what other awesome things I'm going to remember, maybe something like closing a car door or picking my nose, or something like that.)So back down the 28 stairs I go.
I realize I'm all alone in my little office (which is not an office it's a desk in the wide open spaces of the hall).  When one of the CNA instructors asked if any of the nurses were coming in.  So of course with all the lights being turned off I said "No, I'm the only one here. I know for certain this certain instructor isn't coming in (left out the name cause I don't know if it's ok to use it)" The instructor leaves, and suddenly all my co-workers decide to come out of the dark room that is across the hall. And then this certain instructor who definitely was NOT supposed to be here comes strolling up the stairs (not winded by the way, and this person is older than me, yeah, that made me feel better about myself ;) )  So now I totally look like an idiot standing here not knowing anything, and it's only 8 in the morning!

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