Saturday, April 13, 2013

Why I never let Chris go shopping

Today I was feeling icky (you know that kind of icky, yeah I think you know). Well we really REALLY needed to go grocery shopping.  Our fridge was so empty that if we had mice the mice would have gone grocery shopping for us....hmm....that's not a bad idea. Anyway so Chris was a terrific husband and offered to take Kiara and go grocery shopping. I know I have the bestest husband ever. Again, ladies, he's taken! Boo ya to me! 

OK Chris gets home and this is the conversation we have:

Chris: "I bought frozen corn! We never get it so I bought it."
Me: "Babe, we don't get frozen corn because we don't like it, that's why we never buy it."
Chris: "Well I figured frozen is better than canned corn!"
Me: "Babe, you hate frozen corn, you like canned corn."
Chris: "I do?! Well.....we'll just have to have them side by side and then I'll decide what I like."

Later on....

Chris: "I also bought Zucchini and Bananas because we never have them."
Me: "Hon, we don't have them because we don't ever eat them when we have them."
Chris: "Well Kiara wanted them."
Me: "Kiara wants everything"
Chris:"Well she helped picked out the groceries."
Me: "You never let Kiara pick out our groceries!"
Chris: "she picked out the smore pop tarts."
Me: (I smack my head and think "this has to be a trick" I seriously can't help but chuckle)
Chris: " Well she helped me remember the kind of bread we get!"
Me: "You got the wrong kind of bread! We don't get that kind."
Chris: "Kiara lied to me! I asked her if this was the kind of bread we normally get? and she said No! So I got this one"

Me a little while later: "Did you get the diapers?"
Chris: "DANG IT!"

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