Monday, July 29, 2013

Signs that say "Give up Megan, Just Give up."

So today has been an off day considering that I didn't fall asleep until 5 AM. But today is one of those days where I just need to quit and take a break.

It all started with writing emails at work today. When ever I would write my name it would ALWAYS come out Megna. The receiver wont notice the difference will they? Nah..If I didn't notice they wont. At least that's what I keep telling myself

Then I keep spelling "of" "ove". Who ever the heck made those sound the same I'm gonna kick you in the shins!

Then I kept thinking "Hmmm...I was doing something important. What was it??!!" I'm saying this and looking around frantically for any hints that might help me remember. I of course did not notice that the information is pulled up on my computer, the papers are next to my computer, and I even have a bright green post it note on the bottom of my computer that says "Megan, you are doing, such and such, this is VERY important. DO NOT FORGET ABOUT IT!!!"

Then I needed to help a colleague with how to correct an email address and for the life of me I could not find the address book. So I'm sitting there for like 5 of the longest minutes of my life. You know those long minutes where you're thinking "Oh my gosh, I can't believe this person is asking me for help and I can't even find the address book. Now he's going to think "oh my gosh I probably could have found the mistake by now with how long it's taking her"". Yeah that was a long sweaty 5 minutes.  Then once when I found it, I felt like the biggest idiot because it was the biggest button on the screen just under the email address.

Also you should know I have this habit of talking to myself out loud all the time. It's funny because some students just stare at me and say "umm...Who ya talkin' too?" Then I just reply "Frank. He wont shut up and let me do my work." Then the student nods their heads and awkwardly leaves the scene. Now that you know this about me. Apparently it's not good to say "Oops" or "OH CRAP!" every time your boss passes by. I have no idea how she caught me every time, but she did. I think she has cameras around me and is like "Yay! Sounds like Megan is about to cuss at her computer, I better walk by and make her feel all awkward and incompetent and give her a curious look that says "Do we need to have a talk, and fire your butt?"" Yeah I think I'm making my boss feel oh so confident in my abilities to do my job today :)

Then I go to get a Coke, so I grab my water bottle and when I'm half way filling it up when I suddenly think "Hey wait a minute! This isn't Coke! This fridge lied to me!"

Then I spent about 3 minutes trying to figure out why my key wont fit into the lock and just when I was about to throw my keys through the window I found out I was using the wrong key. The 2 keys don't even look a like. One has a black thick top and the other is a small copper one. Yeah. Special day!

All of this has happened before 11 AM in the morning. Already my brain is screaming "Megan, just give up. Come up with a story of how you came down with stupiditis and beg to go home" Yeah I'm positive that will work *sarcasm used* This does not make me feel optimistic about the rest of the day...

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