Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Things that I am thankful for

So it's that time of the month...wait what I mean to say's that time of year to be thankful for things. I love that I only have to be thankful for things one month out of the year, it makes me shudder to think if I had to be thankful for 12 months out of the year! So let's get to business shall we?

I am thankful for...

1) My husband

2) My baby girl

3) My friends and family which includes everyone who I'm close to and love

I have to say these ones because if I don't say them then society will consider me a heartless individual who will eventually turn into a sociopath and murder innocent bunnies. Which after the Rabbit story I might get a little joy out of it. Though I can't lie, the top three things are the most important things to me :)...well, and maybe number 4 ;)

4) Antonio Banderas, Jason Isaacs, and Cary Grant. Great actors and mmmmhhhmmmm! I can't wait to see them in my dreams! They are going to be in my heaven when I die :D
Jason Isaacs hd wallpaper

5) When ever I lose my phone. Blech I hate feeling like I'm attached to it. Unnecessary side note: I HATE voice-mails. FYI if you leave me a voice-mail I will most likely not listen to it for about 3-4 weeks. So if it's an emergency and you get my voice-mail call Chris or someone else cause I won't come help you push your car for another 3 weeks.

6) Any shoes without shoe laces

7) Coke, Twinkies, Strawberries, and Sour Patch Kids. (Because of these, people are still alive today because I didn't kill them on my bad days ;) )

8) Starbucks hot chocolate

9) McDonald's fries and wanky 89 cent burger

10) Calvin and Hobbes Comics. They are the best, especially the snowman ones!
Snowmen Townsfolk

11) Writing research papers...I'm a bit of a nerd.

12) While proof reading my assignment on a Rapper I found that I kept writing Raper. I think that's a bit of a difference don't you? So glad I caught that before sending it in :)

13) Toilet paper. I'd hate to think what we would be using if toilet paper was never invented. "Get some leaves!"- Brian Regan

14) Brian Regan, Bill Engvall, Bill Cosby, Jim Gaffigan, and Don Friensen. Frickin' hilarious!

Brian ReganI remember my teacher ask me: "Brian, what's the I before E rule?" Ummm... I before E... Always. "What are you an idiot Brian?" Apparently! So she explains it: "No Brian it's I before E except after C, N that sounded like A in a neighbouring way and on weekends and holidays and all throughout May and you'll always be wrong no matter what you say!" That's a hard rule

Bill Engvall: I've come up with the three things you never want to hear at your kid's parent/teacher conference. Number one: You're only responsible for the first $10,000 worth of damage. Number two: we have medication for this. And number three: It was more than an ounce and he was less than a hundred yards from the school.

Bill Cosby: I love it when mothers get so mad they can't remember your name. "Come here, Roy, er, Rupert, er, Rutabaga... what is your name, boy? And don't lie to me, because you live here, and I'll find out who you are."

15) That Chris can sing AMAZINGLY because now Kiara has a 50/50 chance of winning American Idol.  

16) My InkJoy pen from Paper-Mate. I am VERY picky about my pens and these ones are AWESOME!!! Some one had the audacity to steal one of them and I am on the hunt for revenge...Don't take my pen.

17) Deoderant. Seriously though, who isn't thankful for this?

18) My ability to BS...A blog will come out on this one, but I have to wait for my official grade to come out just in case my teacher finds my blog before hand :)

19) While driving the person ahead of me runs a yellow light. I'm grateful for this because I am two inches from his bumper.

20) Good hair day. It is amazing how a bad hair day can ruin your day.

21) When my parents forgot I was grounded while I was a kid

22) Jeans that lie about the size. Example: When you know your a size 7 but try on a size 4 pair of pants on and they fit!!! Best. Day. Ever!!!!

23) That the Zombie Apocalypse hasn't started yet because I am no where near ready

24) That I made it to number 24

25) The word llama. I don't really care for the animal (although, they are Chris's favorite so I'm afraid we might actually own one in the future) but I love that it has 2 L's. Every time I see the word it makes me smile just because of the second L. True fact.

There is my thankful list. Not much, but they all make me very happy! 

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