Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I am Proud to be an American 9/11

I could have made this a funny post but it wouldn't show my true feelings about being an American and what it means to me. So sorry guys, but this one is a serious post that means a lot to me.

I was looking back on the world and thinking about what really matters and what changes we can make in our lives. I have a lot of changes that need to be made, but I also have a lot of people to thank for letting me have the freedom to make those changes. Having it be 9/11 really makes my mind wonder about these things. I remember being in 7th grade when it happened and the shock of seeing it on TV. I was in my 1st period English class and after seeing it on the news our teacher asked us to write down what we thought and how we felt about this horrific event that has happened. When everyone was finished I don't think I saw a dry eye in the classroom. Even at the ages of 12 and 13 we all felt for those people and loved them even though we never knew them. We felt sorrow for the loved ones lost and for the families that would never see their mom, dad, grandparent, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin ever again. I remember feeling impressed with how many people went back into the building to help save more lives. Would I have been one of those people? At the age of 12 I remember thinking yes, but now that I look back on that decision I ask myself again, would I be one of those people, am I one of those people? My honest answer is yes, but it is also no. I would be able to jump into a burning building and save someone, but for a neighbor who lost a loved one it's hard for me to go over to their home and share my feelings. I sometimes realize that I hold back because I'm afraid. I'm afraid that I wont say the right thing to that person and I might make matters worse. Fear is one of my biggest hold backs, but I'm going to change that. I want to step out of my comfort zone and help those who are in need of help, comfort, and care. This isn't going to happen over night and I'm really going to need to practice stepping out of my comfort zone, but it never hurts to befriend a person and be there for them.

We have a lot of people out there fighting for us and some of us take these soldiers for granted. Some of us think that these wars are pointless and unneeded, but even though we think that way, we also need to remember that there are soldiers out there fighting those battles. They were given orders to do so and even if they disagree with the war they are still out there risking their lives and fighting for better purposes and trying to make this world a better place. Even though we have men and women overseas fighting we also have hero's here fighting everyday as well.  We have plenty of people to thank for keeping our country safe, police officers, fire fighters, search and rescue, and a whole lot of others who put their lives at risk everyday to keep us safe. I am grateful for these people who help keep me protected, and not take advantage of me and my rights as a citizen.  I also have to thank all of the moms, dads, teachers, and others who help teach our future generations to become a better people. Let's not lose our patriotic pride, and what makes us America. We are the land of the free, let's keep it that way.

I am so grateful to live in a country where I can make my own decisions, become who I want to be, have a home where I want, marry who I want, etc. There are so many things that I have been blessed with just by living in this country.  I love the United States of America and I am proud to be an American.  America might have it's flaws but I still consider it one of the best countries to live in. I look at some places and am grateful for the things that I have and that I'm allowed to own. I'm grateful that I have the freedom that I have.

We have so much to be grateful for and and so much to be proud of. I love my country and stand by it 100%.  I can't volunteer to be in the army or become a police officer, but I can help make this a better place by providing my service and helping others in need and helping those around me.

So thank you for those of you who help make this a better place.

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