Monday, September 16, 2013

Another post with random thoughts. Yay lucky you!!!

You know what? I'm just going to do a post about random thoughts that pop in my head. OK you can't say I didn't warn you that I have random thoughts, it says so in the title of my blog. ;)

I have been having random thoughts all day and they are bothering me because I cannot get them out of my head so I am going to write them down. I have very retarded thoughts and sometimes I find it amazing that I even have an IQ at all. *hint this is a warning that what you are about to read is going to be a waste of your time*

1. Did I dream about Cheese? I think I did because I remember seeing "MILD CHEESE 1LB" Or did I just see that last night when I went to get my midnight snack? Oh boy I am soooo confused! Why does this even matter? Oh it matters because I need to know if it was a dream or if it was reality. If it was a dream then I have weird dreams and according to dream interpretation to dream of cheese means "To see cheese in your dream symbolizes gains and profits. Alternatively, the dream may be a metaphor for something that is "cheesy" or lame. Or it could be saying that you need to smile more." (yes, I have time to look up the meaning of cheese it was bothering me, like I said I cannot get it out of my head). But if I saw it last night in the fridge then I'm thinking "Awe man I should have had cheese last night! I missed out on that sucker." Don't ask me why these mean different things, I don't control my brain...

2. Did I really dream of bracelet making last night?! Boy, I should try that pattern, it looked so cool in my dream I wonder if I can recreate that bracelet it would look so cool! Wait a minute...I hate bracelet making. (I've been trying to find a hobby and I thought "hey bracelet making with hemp and leather would be awesome and so much fun!" I have no idea what I was thinking because now it is added to my seventh circle of Hell along with scrap booking, pant shopping, and bra shopping.)

3. What would I look like if I had a mole on the tip of my nose? Can you get a mole on your tongue?!!! What if there were moles under my skin?!! Can that happen?!

4. I wonder if I jump hard enough if my shoes will fall off and stay on the ground...

5. Did I fall asleep on the toilet again?!

6. These allergies suck! Actually my nose is runny so I really should say that my nose has the runs..ha ha that's funny you know "runs"! I crack myself up sometimes. ;) I think I actually teared up on that one...Nope just kidding it's my eyes watering from the allergies...SEE RUNS!!! Wow I'm a dork. I bet I could write this on facebook and people would be like "OH MY GOSH SHE'S A GENIUS TO MAKE THAT CONNECTION!!!" Ok maybe they wouldn't say that it would be more like "OH MY GOSH I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE JUST SAID THAT! She's a bit of a dork." Yeah that might be more like it so I wont write it on Facebook (apparently I'll blog about it. hmmm...something seems a little messed up about this...)

7.  My head feels like it's spinning. If I turn my chair opposite of the direction my head is spinning I wonder if it would work....Nope, no, it doesn't, now my stomach feels like vomiting. Why did I try that? You know I'm a college person (well that doesn't really mean anything in all honesty) but I'm doing stupid things like this. The sad part is, I actually thought it through! But the physics seemed so sound to me at the time. It's a good thing I didn't become a physics major like I first wanted.

8. Think I made a mistake eh? Do I look like a person who makes mistakes?! (ok maybe) Don't you say I made a mistake when I know I didn't make a mistake mister * visualizing me doing the black head shake with the Z snap* Don't you tell me how to do my job. I know how to do MY job. Nuh-uh! You did not just say that. I'm going to pretend you didn't say that. Oh boy you said that! I'm going to kick yoooouuuu!!!! RAWR *Visualizing Godzilla eating him. HIYA!!! I just did a ninja kick that put him right into Godzilla's mouth* I win. Don't mess with me on a Monday. HA BOO YA I'M RIGHT YOU'RE WRONG SUCK IT!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! SUCKER!!!! *doin' a dance* (Actually did a dance when he left)

9.Ok I'm done with random thoughts blog. This is stupid. Who is going to read this? Wow they must be really bored, and now they are probably even more bored because you made them uber bored! Wow good one Megs, you hit the boredom button today didn't you?

Wow It's not even 11:30 AM and my thoughts are driving me nuts! I really need a break from my mind. How can one do that?! Amazing! I'm going to have to find the answer to that one!

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