Friday, September 13, 2013

This is my venting post. Don't judge me ;)

You know those people who just plainly piss you off and you can't do anything about it because you're a "good" person? GRRR....I hate being the "good" person sometimes. I like to think that I'm a person who will tell you if you're pissing me off, but there are some moments in life that I can't do that.

For instance, your teacher. You cannot tell your teacher in the middle of the semester that they are an idiot and that they are a closed minded, unstructured, piece of....No, you can't say that because you will most likely get a failing grade or extra homework.  (oh I have soooo many things to say about some teachers GGRRrrrr....especially one particular teacher because she was an idiot and I got an A- on a paper because I forgot to put "Running header" on the first page on my first research paper in her class! (normally I'm grateful for just getting a C on a paper but I'm pissed about this one because it was a stupid reason to get the minus part!) And the worst part was, she made us a template and she just said to write our papers and copy and paste it on this template and we'll do fine and get an A. So that's what I did. And BS! Apparently her template also didn't have a "running header" and I brought this up and all she said was "well I mentioned in class that it needed to say "running header" on the first page, if I didn't catch that on my template than that's not my fault, you should have caught that." Boy, that just pissed me off for the rest of the semester. Nothing else was wrong with that paper, she even said it was good. But that running header thing was the only thing that brought me down. I can even show you the stupid paper and you'll be like "Yeah that teacher was an idiot for giving you an A-"....Can't tell I still have a grudge on that huh?)
(oh by the way this isn't what sparked my pissy day but it always comes back to haunt me GGrrrrr...)

If someone calls you up at work and starts cussing and yelling at you, you can't yell back "Well this is what I think of YOU!!" You'll get fired.

Or your boss. You can NEVER EVER tell off your boss because that's a for sure way you'll get your butt fired, or at least you wont get that raise that you've been waiting for.

The door that you ran into. You can be pissed all you want and tell it off all you want, but it will still end up hitting you the next day because it decided to grow an inch over night and trick you into hitting it...again!

Yell at a police officer? Yeah right! You can kiss your free night good bye and start making new "special" friends behind bars. Not a place I recommend meeting new friends. I love police officers and totally respect them for everything they do, but there was one time where I got pulled over on a bogus charge. I passed him on an on-ramp going 55 MPH he was going at least 45 MPH and he pulled me over for passing him! Not even 20 yards in front of us was the speed limit sign that said 55 MPH. So he asked me "Do you know why I pulled you over?" I said "No sir I don't. I was going the speed limit" He said "well you were going to fast and you actually passed me, and your license plate light was out." (Which I totally knew that it wasn't because I followed Chris home the night before and it was working just fine. Then I checked it again when I went home and it was just fine.) Luckily he let me off with a warning. But boy there were so many things I wanted to say at that time.  But let me tell ya, my husband sure got an ear full of it. He was with me at the time. :)

So because I cannot tell off people at certain times I've become a little passive aggressive and I make some voodoo dolls and throw them across the room, after I've torchered them in various ways such as feeding them to the two-dimensional man-eating sharks that I drew on a paper. (and ya'll wonder why I'm in therapy).

GRRRrrr...I wish there was some way to just teach them a lesson (don't worry this isn't a threat but man I hope Karma bites them in the tuchus).

I mean you could track down that person, get their phone number and call it everyday from a burn phone letting them know that they are a butt-head and you hope that when the zombie Apocalypse comes they get eaten by their zombie cat. But I don't know if that's legal and if you could be charged with harassment or something like that so I don't recommend this.

I rarely get upset with people...when I say rarely I mean like every other 5 minutes, and every 2 minutes if I'm driving...;)...But don't piss me off because I'll write a blog about it and I'll wish so much bad Karma on you that my Karma will become bad and I'll hate you even more because of that conundrum.

Anyway that's my vent.

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