Tuesday, April 2, 2013

ummm...HI computer...? (totally awkward!)

OK I'm totally going to give this a try.  Mostly because I'm bored and looking for something new.  Well...that's about all I've got so far.
This is pretty awkward because I totally don't have an audience or anyone who's reading this (and probably never will, but that's besides the point) Well if I ever do get an audience, which I totally doubt, there is a couple of rules: 1) you can't judge my spelling, I'm not an english major (heck I'm lucky if I can even speak the language) 2) NO grammar checking, cause grammar sucks and I suck at it 3) No dissing on things I say, or what others say, you can totally disagree but no slandering people. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions (yes, some people have different beliefs than you and me, I know it's shocking and a little scary to think about). 4) I can make up as many rules as I want, cause it's my blog hahahahaha! I don't think I'll add any others unless if it's something stupid like "while reading this you have to scratch your left armpit" though that would be hilarious if you did (if you do you have to let me know, I'd think it was awesome)
So how does my life work you ask? (Really, right now the computer is asking me this question, yeah I'm totally hearing voices)
I guess I could tell you a little bit about myself...? Well, that's not awkward at all. (yes, sarcasm is used, because I'm talking to a blank page on a computer)
Ok. (deep breath) here it goes...
I'm married to the most wonderful man ever named Christopher.  He made a promise to me years ago that he would make me laugh everyday and after 6 years of being together he has totally kept that promise.  He's a great guy who I'm so excited to spend the rest of my life with. Best husband ever for me.  I love him so much and I know he loves me more. :) Though don't let this fool you he's still a total smart alec but he's my smart alec and I love him for that (one of my favorite qualities about him) also he's frickin hot so ladies, back off ;) He is also the only person I know where gay guys hit on him constantly (I love it!) I'll have to tell you the story sometime about the time in Italy where this guy was totally hitting on him and when he found out that Chris spoke Italian, he totally started to flirt more. (I loved it).
I have a 2 year old kid who is very independent and gorgeous she acts cute around others (which is totally false advertising FYI (totally kidding....a little)) She does things on her own time and LOVES mommy.  Some days she wont even let daddy look at her (it's kind of funny at times).  She is curious about everything, like all 2 year olds are, and she's my life.
Ok now about me....hmmm.....this one is difficult....I'm pretty much the definition of awesome. Yup that's me.  I'm totally bipolar which was awesome until I got stuck on medication.  OK so I wasn't exactly the safest person, I mean during a Manic stage I think I can pop-a-wheelie with my car and I can barrel roll it off an overpass and land it perfectly.  Yeah I'm not allowed to drive anymore during these stages of my life.  I want to become a high school teacher and teach psychology, and I'm going to be a social worker (the therapist kind). Family is the most important to me.  I love using parenthesis even when they're not needed and I love doing the smiley face thing :). I hate using texting words (mostly cause I don't understand a lot of them). So yeah I think that's about it. OH yeah I totally love the ..... thing it makes it sound like I'm thinking through things :). (see that I used the smiley face :) )
That wasn't so bad.  Might have bored the computer to death, but hey, it's a computer (which will probably come alive during the zombie apocalypse and eat me, but that's not likely....right?....I mean, computer, you're really not going to eat me....(No, answer from the computer)....uh oh)
So yeah that's my story and I think I'm done typing. HOLY CRAP! it's only 10 AM today is taking forever! So much for wasting time, I really need to type slower, or just write random stuff so I can pretend that I'm working.  (The computer doesn't like this idea). I should give the computer a name...hmmm.... I'll have to think about this cause it needs a cool name (mostly so it won't eat me later in life cause I named it something funky like Ruthybakersly or Frank.) Maybe I'll just name it HP computer, though that might be an insult since it's a Dell computer.  Wow are you still reading this? (assuming that I have a reader on here). This is long and probably boring, I mean who really wants to listen about random crap that I'm thinking about? Which makes me reconsider this blogging thing, but it is kind of fun. Wow it's only 10:02 AM yeah I should probably get back to work....eventually.

1 comment:

  1. Wow I can totally comment on my post?!!! This is awesome! Megan you are totally awesome! I just love your post about your computer I totally think you should name it hajzacklabamba! Though You should come up with a last name like Hajzacklabamba Johnson!
