Don't say I didn't warn you....(hint the warning is in the title)
My finals are done, I have a free summer (well I mean besides having a kid, and husband to take care of, work, and being awesome)....Now what?
I'll tell you what I'm going to do!! I'm going to write a blog and finally become an obsessive blogger!!!! Yay for obsessive blogging!!!
Wow this is going to be a lame blog if I talk about that.
I need a life
But really....what should I do?!
(WHOA totally weird! I was back spacing and you know how it usually only erases one letter at a time?! Well randomly my back space button erased a WHOLE WORD at ONE time rather than letter by letter!!! Isn't that awesome?!!!....well I thought it was awesome.)
You know what? I think this is just going to be a random post, just because I feel like it.
I'm in one of my mixed moods so I'm going in between "MY LIFE ROCKS, I'M THE MOST AMAZING PERSON IN THE WORLD!!!" to "I have a rock and I'll throw it at your head if you look at me." So this might be a thing of I hate every thing to I LOVE ALL OF THE AIR MOLECULES IN THE WORLD!!!
I'm really just sitting here staring at my computer thinking....well....a million things but the thoughts are going by too fast that I can't really catch the full thought. I have thoughts that are like "Who the heck thought of unicorns and why do they, hey I would love some corn on the cob with, Gah life sucks because, That woman who passed by smelt like, this is never going to, I need a, all I can think about is my, I really need to sit here and think about, Ah screw it, you know what? I love hair nets and, someday I'll stop..., How do fish see in the dark with salty water and what, I need to invent a time mach, I'M AWESOME!!!!" (FYI all of my thoughts end with I"M AWESOME!!!)
Oh by the way i totally passed my Behavioral Stats class which freaking rocks!!!! Yeah I'm awesome!
But really, where did the myth of unicorns come from?
Have you ever thought what it would be like if you were strapped to a windmill during a hurricane? Talk about roller coaster!!!! I think it would be a ton of fun!
OH fun thought!!!! Did you know that when The 3 Musketeers and the Milky Way candy bars where invented they got the packaging mixed up?! The Milky way wrapper was supposed to go on the 3 musketeers because it's, Milky and the 3 Musketeers was supposed to go on the Milky way because it's 3 elements Caramel, Nugget, and Chocolate! Yeah that's mind blowing huh?!!!
I also know how salt water taffy got it's name!!!
If you attached a parachute to a smart car and drove it off a cliff do you think the parachute will hold the car up and help it land safely or do you think it will still fall at deathly speeds?
If you stretched out your tongue every day would it stretch the muscles causing your tongue to become longer? Wouldn't that be a sight to see! The world's longest tongue that has to be rolled up to fit in someone's mouth!!!
Exclamation points today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (see !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Wow this post sucks, but I'm still going to post it. Why?....Because right now I'm like "my thoughts are awesome and everyone loves me!" (even though who ever's reading this is like "WOW this person is a loony! I'm so glad I only know her in cyber world.")
OH! I have a peanut butter and jam sandwich in my purse!!!
I saw the cutest little fluffy stuffed animals yesterday at Hobbie Lobby!!! I NEED ONE!!! They were neon and so BIG AND FLUFFY (I said that with a gruff happy voice) and they make the cutest high pitch sounds ever!!!! Me and Kiara played with them for a long time :)
If there really were vampire bunnies would they eat carrot juice or blood?
If I had seven fingers would I be a SUPER typer?!
If we played all of the songs in the world at once, what would it sound like? would it sound like a mess with a high pitch tone, low pitch tone, or would they actually harmonize in some way? Then how would we feel if we suddenly turned it off? Would we feel out of place? Or would our ears be bleeding?
Well now that I know what I'm going to do, this blog is over yo!!!!
Now that you read this you are probably thinking "Wow this is 10 minutes that I'm never gonna get back." But think about it, if you built a time machine you could go back to this date and not read it, then you'll get your 10 minutes back.
I think I found out where my money has been going!!! Future Megan needs extra money so she is using her time machine to come and steal money out of my own pocket!!! So that means one of two things....Either future Megan is really broke, or now she is really rich. Wow something that shouldn't make sense, totally makes sense in my head! I think I'm on to something!
Wow people you seriously have to quit talking with me today because my 'MEGAN SHUT THE FREAK UP' Filter isn't working and after the conversation I suddendly think "OH CRAP!!! Did I really just say that to my boss?!!!!" Yup, I'm gonna get fired.
Wow I don't even remember all of the things that I just wrote and I'm now just rambling....not that I wasn't rambling before...? I have a feeling when I'm feeling more logical and I re-read this I'm going to smack my head and be like "Wow Megan, just WOW!" But that's ok because I'm not logical Megan right now. I'm out in spacey world playing with laser pointers Megan right now.