Heads up: If you would like a funny post I would suggest a different post.
Okay so first thing I have to mention is that I really don't want any condolences because I hate feeling vulnerable and this is a really vulnerable post for me, and condolences just make it too real for me and it reminds me that I was vulnerable to the world.
So I came out with a post stating that we were pregnant, but unfortunately, we lost the baby. We went in to have an ultra sound done, and found out that the baby's heart stopped beating at around 9.5 weeks. We just had the D&C surgery yesterday, which I totally advise every woman to do if you have any doubts about doing it naturally.
To any mom out there who had a miscarriage I send my deepest sympathies. This is one of the hardest trials that I have had to go through. As a mom all the thoughts keep popping into your head such as "Could I have done anything to prevent it?" or "Is it my fault the baby didn't make it?" I can't tell you how much research I have done about miscarriages and I've found that it isn't my fault and that miscarriages just happen. Even though I have that knowledge, in the back of my head I still keep thinking "Could I have done anything?"
I've tried looking at the pro's and con's about a miscarriage and there is absolutely no comparing when you've lost a child. But there is one happy thought that I get to keep. Chris and I have a strong belief in the after life and we know that we will see our baby again. I know that they will be watching over us and that we will be reunited one day. That is a comfort that helps beyond anything else, and it makes me happy to know that I have another one waiting for me.
Chris and I are still optimistic about the future, and about having more kids. It's a hard trial, but we've been able to come to terms with it and feel blessed having been through this.
Thank you to all of our family and friends who have helped out so far. We really feel your love and are grateful for each and everyone of you.