Tuesday, April 22, 2014

My goals for happiness...That I will start tomorrow.

OK so I have been sucking it up on being happy.  I have been a really grumpy person for a while and rather negative (at least in my head I have been, other people tell me that I'm awesome...which I am by the way ;)). I have been trying really hard on being happy. I drink Coke everyday and happiness does NOT come out of the bottle, but it does prevent murders...just sayin'.
New caption: Prevents Jail Time with Creepy Inmates.

So I am going to do something about it! Starting now...or tomorrow...(Right now I'm kind of complaining about being happy, I'm in a grumpy mood...SEE it's that bad!!)
Anyway, here is what I am going to try to do...I can't make any promises.

I am going to wake up every morning and smile.
I didn't say it would be a great smile....
The smiling might kill my soul because I am NOT a morning person what so ever...just ask Chris he'll tell ya. 
This is how I normally wake up.

Then I am going to say one good thing that I am grateful for. For instance, I do not have to wear duct tape underwear. Thank heavens!
Yup I actually found a picture!
Do not say bad things about people who drive stupid and get in my way.
The "You" I am referring to are the stupid people who suck at driving... wait I'm  not  supposed to say bad things about them. What I meant to say was the 'You" I am referring to are the wonderful people who do an exceptional job at pissing me off...I called them wonderful so that should count as saying something good about them right?

Do not complain. Things can't get that bad right?
Okay....well that pretty much says it right there.
But at least I don't have this woman's job :)...My question is, why isn't she wearing a poncho?!! 

I am not going to stress over the little things like the fact that my daughter told me that she touched a spider this morning. I'm not going to stress that she is now probably going to mutate within the next 24 hours and turn into a half spider thing. At least she told me the spider was at grandma's house so I don't have to stress about needing to burn down my house.

Anyway I think I'll stop it right there...I should have stopped at the smiling one, this is WAY too long of a list! Oops...Does that count as complaining? I mean...Nah never mind, I'll start this happiness thing tomorrow. Like I said...I'll "try" to do these things. ;) 
Cute cat picture?...Yup feeling happy already ;)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

How do you lose a 3 ton car?!!!

So Tuesday I lost my car, I mean I literally lost it. It amazes me how I can lose a 3 ton car.
Not really my car but a great look a like just add more dirt and a dent on the side from when I hit that old lady and BAM there is my car!
The day started off great, I ate breakfast, went to work, and headed for class right after. Now here is something to know about UVU parking, it's a biznatch to find parking. You need to have a certain skill to find a parking spot at UVU. This skill is called "Becoming a Vulture." If you have never heard of this skill, it is when you hunt down certain pedestrians who you think are going to their car so you can steal their parking spot. This usually works 5 out of 10 times. Also you must have this face while you hunt down your victims:

So I hunted down my victim first victim and it was a great spot, right by the door! So I patiently waited for them to move when suddenly someone rushed in and stole my spot!
This was my first reaction
This was my longed for second reaction (Yeah you're car is gonna get it!)

Time was running out and I was going to be late for class, so I had to find a parking spot and fast! Finally after what seemed like ages I found my next victim and took their spot. While going to class my paranoia clicked in and I had the thought "what if some one steals my car?" Then I thought "NAH! That's silly who in their right mind would want to steal my car?!" So I dismissed the thought and went straight to class.
So I after class I went to get my car and I was preoccupied thinking about how boring that class was and how I wanted to gouge out my eyes because it was that unbearable. So I went to the row where I parked and suddenly realized I cannot find my car. I figured that I must have been so deep in thought that I just passed it. So walked back down the row and didn't see it.  I walked up and I thought "maybe I parked further up." Nope. Then I thought "Maybe I missed it again." So I headed back down the row and nope, nothin'. Now I'm a little panicked and immediately start thinking "OH MY GOSH! SOMEONE REALLY STOLE MY CAR!."
Me freaking out
Now I am running up and down the row thinking "What do I do? What do I do? WHAT DO I DO??!!!" My heart was pounding out of my chest and I was starting to go into a panic attack. (FYI I do not have an alarm button for my car...After this experience I am now making my husband install one) As I was running around I had a few vultures following me so I had to wave at them like an idiot and tell them to move along, there was nothing to see here.
Picture of my fellow vultures. Wow apparently I perceive people at UVU as really old!
I suddenly start to think "Maybe I'm looking in the wrong row...?...Nah that can't be possible I'm NEVER wrong...Could it be possible?..." So I start to look in the other rows, which is no easy feat by any means.
The never ending line of parked cars
I am frantically looking up and down all of the rows MULTIPLE times and I cannot find it. Now I start to pray "Dear God, if you let me find my car I promise will give up Coke...Never mind I don't need to find my car that badly." (actual prayer by the way)...Well God really listened to that prayer and I think said "Well if you don't need it that badly then let's have you worry for a bit longer." Now I am really flipping out and I start thinking "I should call the cops! I'm going to call the cops! Somebody stole my car, I just know it!"  I try to calm down, but I have now crossed the panic line of no return. I grab my phone and suddenly thought "I should text Chris! He'll know where to find my car!" Yes, I thought that my husband, who was in Salt Lake at the time (a good 30 miles away), would know exactly where I parked my car...I know...I know. So I start to text Chris when a miracle happened. As I was walking and texting I ran into our car. Literally ran into it (I cannot text and walk at the same time FYI)  When I looked up to see what I ran into Heaven literally parted it's clouds and shined, making my car sparkle.
OK so the sparkling may have been coming from the tears in my eyes...but whatever :)
This was the text I sent Chris "I totally lost our car...wait just found it!"
This was my happy dance!!!
Life has now been restored!